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Vending Machines – Where To Find Them In 2023

Making Money With A Seasonal Vending Machine Location? Making Money
Making Money With A Seasonal Vending Machine Location? Making Money from

The proliferation of vending machines in the past century has been incredible. From early versions selling postcards and cigarettes to the complex machines of today offering everything from hot meals to luxury items, vending machines are now found everywhere. As technology continues to advance, what kinds of vending machines will we see in the year 2023? In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular locations for vending machines in the near future.

Public Areas

Public areas such as parks, libraries, city streets, beaches, and shopping malls will always be popular locations for vending machines. As people become more health-conscious, they are increasingly looking for convenient ways to purchase healthy snacks and drinks. Vending machines that offer organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free options will become more common. In addition to snacks, machines may also offer items such as sunscreen, umbrellas, and other items that people might need while out and about.

Airports and Train Stations

Travelers are always looking for convenient ways to purchase food and drinks. Vending machines located in airports, train stations, and other transportation hubs allow travelers to quickly and easily purchase snacks and drinks. Vending machines in these locations will offer a wide variety of items, from snacks and drinks to chargers, headphones, and other travel-related items. Some machines may even accept cryptocurrency for payment.

Office Buildings

Office buildings are another popular location for vending machines. These machines offer quick and easy access to snacks and drinks, which is ideal for busy office workers. In addition to the traditional snacks and drinks, these machines may also offer items such as aspirin and other over-the-counter medications, phone chargers, and even novelty items such as toys and games.

Schools and Universities

Vending machines are also common in schools and universities. These machines offer snacks and drinks for students, as well as items such as school supplies and study aids. In addition to traditional vending machines, some schools and universities are now using automated kiosks that allow students to purchase items without the need for cash or a credit card.

Gyms and Health Clubs

Gyms and health clubs are popular locations for vending machines, as people are always looking for convenient ways to purchase healthy snacks and drinks. In addition to traditional vending machines, many gyms and health clubs now offer automated kiosks that allow customers to purchase items without the need for cash or a credit card. These machines often offer specialized items such as protein bars, energy drinks, and other health-related items.

Movie Theaters

Movie theaters are another popular location for vending machines. These machines offer snacks and drinks, as well as items such as movie tickets and gift cards. In addition to traditional vending machines, some movie theaters now offer automated kiosks that allow customers to purchase items without the need for cash or a credit card.

Retail Stores

Retail stores are also a popular location for vending machines. These machines offer a wide variety of items, from snacks and drinks to gift cards and other items. In addition to traditional vending machines, some retail stores now offer automated kiosks that allow customers to purchase items without the need for cash or a credit card.


Vending machines are now found in a variety of locations, from public areas to retail stores. As technology advances, we can expect to see more and more automated kiosks offering a variety of items. In the year 2023, vending machines will continue to be a popular and convenient way to purchase snacks, drinks, and other items.

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