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What Is Deus Ex Machina?

PPT Deus Ex Machina PowerPoint Presentation, free download ID2262641
PPT Deus Ex Machina PowerPoint Presentation, free download ID2262641 from

The term ‘Deus Ex Machina’ has its origins in Ancient Greek theater. It literally means ‘God from the Machine’ and is used to refer to a sudden, unexpected power or device that is introduced in a story to resolve an otherwise unsolvable situation. In stories and films, it is often an outside force that appears to solve a problem that the characters have been struggling with. This outside force may be a person, a magical object, or even a natural phenomenon.

In literary terms, Deus Ex Machina is a plot device used to resolve an otherwise unresolvable situation. It is a sudden, unexpected intervention or power that is introduced in order to resolve a conflict or problem in a story. The Deus Ex Machina is often an outside force, such as a person, magical object, or even a natural phenomenon that is used to resolve the conflict.

Examples of Deus Ex Machina

One of the most famous examples of a Deus Ex Machina is found in the Biblical story of Noah and the flood. As Noah and his family struggle to survive the flood, God sends a dove to bring them a branch of an olive tree, which is a symbol of hope and a sign that the flood waters have receded.

In literature, Deus Ex Machina is often used to solve a problem that the characters have been struggling with. One of the most famous examples is found in Homer’s Odyssey, when Odysseus is about to be killed by the Cyclops. Just as he is about to be killed, Athena appears in the form of a young man and helps him to escape. This is an example of a Deus Ex Machina, as it is a sudden, unexpected intervention that resolves the conflict.

In modern literature, Deus Ex Machina is often used to provide a sudden resolution to a problem or conflict. In J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, the sudden appearance of a phoenix at the end of the book is an example of a Deus Ex Machina. The phoenix appears to rescue Harry and his friends from a seemingly inescapable situation.

Deus Ex Machina in Film

Deus Ex Machina is also used in film. In the classic film The Wizard of Oz, the sudden appearance of a magical wizard is an example of a Deus Ex Machina. The wizard’s arrival helps resolve the conflict in the story and gives hope to the characters. In the film, the wizard’s arrival is a sudden, unexpected resolution to the conflict.

In more recent films, Deus Ex Machina is often used to provide a sudden, unexpected resolution to a conflict. In the film The Dark Knight, the sudden appearance of the Joker is an example of a Deus Ex Machina. The Joker’s sudden appearance helps to resolve the conflict in the film, providing a sudden resolution to the conflict.

Why is Deus Ex Machina Used?

Deus Ex Machina is used in stories and films in order to provide a sudden, unexpected resolution to a conflict or problem. It is often used to provide a sudden resolution to a conflict that the characters have been struggling with. It can also be used to provide a sense of hope or resolution to a story. Deus Ex Machina can also be used as a way to surprise the audience, providing a sudden and unexpected twist to a story.


Deus Ex Machina is a plot device used to provide a sudden, unexpected resolution to a conflict or problem. It is often used to provide a sudden resolution to a conflict that the characters have been struggling with, or to provide a sense of hope or resolution to a story. Deus Ex Machina can also be used to surprise the audience, providing a sudden and unexpected twist to a story. It is a common device used in literature and film, and is often used to provide a sense of closure to a story.

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