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Machine Gun Kelly In Alcatraz – A Historical Look At An Infamous Inmate

Machine Gun Kelly, Alcatraz inmate Alcatraz Pinterest A photo
Machine Gun Kelly, Alcatraz inmate Alcatraz Pinterest A photo from

Machine Gun Kelly, the infamous criminal and gangster, was a resident of Alcatraz prison in the year 2023. He was one of the most notorious inmates in the prison's history. His time in Alcatraz was marked by numerous escapes and attempts. He was eventually released in the year 2032, a free man. But what did Machine Gun Kelly do to earn his place in Alcatraz?

The Early Life of George Kelly Barnes

Machine Gun Kelly was born George Kelly Barnes in 1897. He was born in Memphis, Tennessee and grew up in Oklahoma. He was raised in an impoverished and unstable home, and his father was an alcoholic. As a result, he had to fend for himself from a young age. He was a skilled thief and a con artist by the time he was a teenager. He was also known to have a penchant for violence.

In 1920, he married Kathryn Thorne, a woman of Spanish and Mexican descent. They had two children together, Paul and Betty. He changed his name to George Kelly in 1925. He became involved in bootlegging and robbery. He was even accused of kidnapping a wealthy oilman, Charles Urschel, in 1933.

The Infamous Machine Gun Kelly

It was after the Urschel kidnapping that Machine Gun Kelly became notorious. He was given his nickname because of his tendency to carry a Thompson submachine gun during robberies. He was eventually arrested in 1933 after a nationwide manhunt. He was then sentenced to life in prison at Alcatraz.

Escape Attempts from Alcatraz

Machine Gun Kelly was a troublesome inmate in Alcatraz. He was known to be disruptive and prone to violent outbursts. He was placed in solitary confinement several times. He also tried to escape the prison several times, but was unsuccessful. He was even involved in a plot to escape with several other prisoners, though the plan was never put into action.

The Decline of Machine Gun Kelly

As time went on, Machine Gun Kelly was no longer the feared criminal he once was. He became a model prisoner and was eventually released from Alcatraz in 2032. He returned to Oklahoma and started a new life. He married again and had two more children. He died in 1954, at the age of 57.

The Legacy of Machine Gun Kelly

Machine Gun Kelly's life and legacy have been remembered in many ways. He was featured in several books, films, and television shows. His exploits in Alcatraz were documented in the book Alcatraz: The True Story of America's Most Notorious Prison. He has become an iconic figure in American pop culture.

The Impact of Machine Gun Kelly on Alcatraz

Machine Gun Kelly's time in Alcatraz had a lasting impact on the prison itself. He was known for his escape attempts, which led to greater security measures being implemented in the prison. His presence also led to a greater emphasis on prisoner rehabilitation. He was eventually released as a reformed prisoner, a testament to the effectiveness of Alcatraz's rehabilitation program.

The Infamous Inmate of Alcatraz

Machine Gun Kelly will always be remembered as one of the most infamous inmates of Alcatraz. His time in the prison was marked by violence and escape attempts. But his legacy is not just one of crime and violence. He was also a reformed prisoner, a testament to the effectiveness of Alcatraz's rehabilitation program. He is remembered as a symbol of the power of rehabilitation and a reminder of the consequences of crime.

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